Mushrooms Collection Set
6 Single Old Fashioned Glasses

Product Code G-209-MCS-6-WA
Weight  2,000 Kg
$ 1,470
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Our MUSHROOMS collection celebrates the diversity and beauty of these fascinating fungi with six unique motifs – inspired by classic 19th-century botanical drawings – that are available either individually or in sets of six.

Designed for savoring spirits, cocktails, juice, or water – with or without ice – our Single Old Fashioned is slightly smaller than our Rocks glass but still feels satisfyingly solid in the hand.

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Mushrooms Honey Fungus Single Old Fashioned

Product code: G-209-MHF-1-WA
Color: Walnut
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$ 245

Mushrooms Morel Single Old Fashioned

Product code: G-209-MMO-1-WA
Color: Walnut
- +
$ 245

Mushrooms Chanterelle Single Old Fashioned

Product code: G-209-MCH-1-WA
Color: Walnut
- +
$ 245

Mushrooms Summer Cep Single Old Fashioned

Product code: G-209-MSC-1-WA
Color: Walnut
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$ 245

Mushrooms Fly Amanita Single Old Fashioned

Product code: G-209-MFA-1-WA
Color: Walnut
- +
$ 245

Mushrooms Parasol Single Old Fashioned

Product code: G-209-MPM-1-WA
Color: Walnut
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$ 245